Labels:book | bulletin board | chat room | monitor | poster | reckoner | sky OCR: TIFF 5.0 6= Oth row represents the visual right tand side of the image, and the Oth colunn represents the visual top Oth row represents the visual righi hand aps of the image. and the Oth column Ieprescnis the visual The Orth rOW represents the visual left hand side of u image, and the Oth column represents the visual bottom. Defaull is 1 This ficld is recommended for private (non-interchange) use onty. ftis extremety cositly for readers i0 perform image rctation "on the fy, i.e.. when and printing: and users of mast desktop publishing applications donot expect afile imported by the application to be attered ocrmanentb in any way Threshholding 263 {107} Type SROHT bilevel *linc art" scan. BitsPerSample must bc I. "dithered" can usual[y of continuous tore data such as photographs BitsPerSam ...